Thursday, October 29, 2009

Do Something Grants for Community Service Projects

American Express and have teamed up to provide youth with seed money to get some great ideas off the ground.

What is a Do Something Grant?

Did you recently create a sustainable community action project, program or organization or have a great idea for helping your community? Do you need $500 to further the growth and success of your program or turn your idea into reality? If you answered, "YES!", you are eligible to apply for a Do Something Grant.

Grant Details
How much?: $500

How many are you giving out?: One a week!

Deadline: None! Apply now! You will be notified withen 2-3 months after submission if you won.

Steps to Apply:
1. Create a Project Posting for your existing project.
2. Check out our Judging Criteria for help with your application
3. Fill out an Online Application
4. Check out the FAQ if you have more questions

A budget detailing how the $500 will be used
A recommendation from a non-family member

Optional (but recommended)
Photos and video of your project
Your project's website Buzz this