Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Waterfront Wastewater Solutions

Over the years we've become accustomed to working in some pretty challenging terrain when it comes to waterfront wastewater treatment. Our rolling topography and miles of waterfront make this a great place to live, but are less than ideal when it comes to wastewater treatment.

The system shown at right (during installation) is a good example. The home sits below the road, on an inland lake. There is a relatively steep incline up to the road. Our tandem design-operations team devised a system that placed the collection portion of the system (the tank) by the home, and one of our specialty underground drip dispersal systems among the trees on the incline for the effluent dispersal. This takes the effluent away from the immediate shore of the lake while preserving the property's look and feel.

However, it is not enough to just develop a good design. The system must be properly installed and operated if it is going to function as intended. So we've taken the next step and now provide all the services you need for systems such as these: site evaluations, design, permitting,
installation, and operations.
If the home
is a seasonal one, we also offer yearly
startup-shutdown services. The team includes NSF-accredited wastewater inspectors, operators experienced in both large plants and individual residential systems and close relationships with ATU manufacturers and suppliers. If you own waterfront property or your municipality includes waterfront areas with questionable septic system performance, contact us (jborchert@gourdiefraser.com) for a site assessment/evaluation. There are many options available to you! Buzz this